Thursday, October 9, 2008

Thursday October 9th, 2008

Today is my Dad's birthday. Happy Birthday Dad.

For those who know my dad, they know he has been following my training programming for the past 3-4 years or so. Dad is a workaholic, 13-16 hours days are the norm not the exception. He also is a pretty savage competitor in the gym. Lately he has been working such long hours that he sneaks his training session in at the house sometime around the noon hour. The way I structure his training is to pick two movement patterns (i.e Knee dominant move with a vertical push) and pair that with a core move. His core move is usually a difficult plank maneuver because Dad's lower back/neck can get pretty mangled if he doesn't visit the chiro do his soft tissue and mobility work that I prescribe. He moves through each exercise circuit style with minimum rest for usually about 15 minutes. He is in and out in 25 minutes or under. Well Dad has gone from a high of 200+ pounds to his current fighting weight of 174 which he has maintained for about 12 months within 5 pounds. Congratulations, keep it going Dad.

If you have started to follow the blog, please drop some comments and let me know some things that you would like to see. Thanks.


1 comment:

TSullsr said...

T-Thanks for the birthday message, it means alot to me. The reason my weight and fitness are in line is because of you. I dont know anyone that understands and researches the health, fitness and strength training field than you. Keep up the hard work, in time the success will result in hitting all your goals and objectives.
