I couldn't really think of a theme for a unified blog post, so I am just going to rattle off a few thoughts on my mind.
In the picture above from left to right. Myself, Deb Aylward (Dayls), Eddie O'Connor (Eagle), Rich Aylward (Rocket), and Mike Aylward (Big Mike).
1. Last Thursday evening I had the pleasure to train the Aylwards and Eddie O'Connor in one session. I already know how bad ass the Aylward men are, but I was completely floored by Deb. She was much stronger than I expected and kept complaining that Mike, her husband, was slowing her down. She also hates to stretch. Her son Mike, one of my best friends, is over in Iraq patrolling the Syrian border as we speak. Thanks for your service Mikey, love you buddy.
2. Based on an article I wrote this morning, if you aren't going to train with a good strength coach or trainer, why do you continue to waste time going for jogs, walks, and long bikes? You should be lifting weights, doing more intense energy systems work, and overall training like an athlete. Watch any college or NFL football game. Do you want to look like one of them or the same fat guy at the gym who does 30 minutes on the eliptical 3 times per week?
3. Want a good quick workout to do? Go to a park and perform the following. One short distance sprint, 5 pushups, and one time across the monkey bars. Drop down on the other side, catch your breath quickly and repeat 10 times. If you aren't breathing heavy you aren't working hard enough. Sometimes training can be this simple and fun.
4. This week is the last week of the fall session at the facility. If you are looking to put on size, speed, and strength this winter, come train with us at Sullivan Training Systems. Shoot me an email for more details at tssullivanjr@gmail.com.
5. We have had some impressive performances this fall session and I will blog later this week with a highlight reel.
6. I have no idea why I can't figure out the spacing of these blog posts, but it makes me want to spike my laptop on the ground, set it on fire, and perform the Maori Haka dance around it.
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