Monday, October 26, 2009

A Day in the Life.

I recently finished a Fat Loss Manual that is just a compilation of some of my thoughts on dieting for optimal physique with an eye on the real world. Most people can't and aren't willing to eat like bodybuilders (travelling with coolers full of chicken and brown rice), so I wrote this with you folks in mind.

Send me an email at if you would like a free copy.

As for the rest of this blog, it is a day in my life, and just a peak into what I do, day in, day out.

Here is typically what a day in the life of world famous, fitness pro Tom Sullivan looks like:

6:00am: Wake up, head to gym. Eat a quick breakfast of greek yogurt with added protein, walnuts and a piece of fruit.

6:30-7:30: First client of the day (Dad). Dad has some creaky knees, lower back pain, a tweaked neck, and occasional shoulder pain. 5 times a week he is in the gym getting a training effect, so I don't want to hear about your injuries. Any good trainer can train around your injuries effectively.

8:00-9:00: Another morning client on Tuesdays and Thursdays (Dayls).

10:00-11:00: Last morning client(s) of the day. Usually a small group of 2-3 men looking to get lean.

11:00am: Another scoop of protein, apple smothered in cinnamon raisin PB (Peanut Butter & Co. delicious). Return emails, phone calls, marketing activities, brainstorming, blogging, reading, researching. PS. My promptness in returning most peoples' calls really blows. In the words of Jason Smith, "It's gotta be better."

12:00pm-2:00pm: From 11:50 - 12:00, I watch an assortment of YouTube vids to get motivated to train for the day. If I am excited to train on that day, I will watch olympic weightlifting technique videos or people front squatting Toyotas to get in the zone. If I am being a little, whiny bitch (waahh, I don't like to train by myself) I will watch something more motivational. Then I foam roll, warmup and get into my workout. My favorite workout right now is Front Squat, Bent Row, DB Military Press for a rep scheme of 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1.

2:30-3:00: Catch breath, shower, eat. Prepare for athletes.

3:00-8:00pm: During this time I see an average of 8-10 high school hockey players, 4-5 general fitness clients, and sometimes a 12-13 year old hockey team. These 5 hours are my reminder of why I do what I do. I love my morning clients and the time we spend together, but my true passion is teaching kids. To take a 130 pound kid who looks like a baby deer on ice, and in 5 weeks watch him hang clean his bodyweight (which is now 140-145 pounds) for 3 reps with excellent technique, and wash that down with a circuit of sprints, squats and 25 foot rope climb for 7 rounds, is unreal. To see a kid get to the ceiling climbing the rope for the first time and jump down with a huge smile and ripping my arm off with a high 5, makes me feel like the luckiest guy on earth. It has a tendency to give me some perspective the next time I get in my car with the hood bungy'd down that barely starts and is like chick repellent. It also puts me at ease when I ignore calls from my student loan lender and wake up in a cold sweat because I can't pay some of my bills on time this month.

8:30p: Home. Dinner (which lately has been a slow cooked stew, chili, or pile of other warm dead animals.) Little TV in my fat guy pants, comatose. Rinse and repeat everyday.

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