Monday, January 24, 2011

Approved Exercise List

Spend most of your time with the following list of exercises. It is by no means comprehensive, and there are 1000s of variations of each, but this should point you in the right direction. Plug these into your workout skeleton from Monday's post below.


pushup, bench press, dumbell bench press, standing dumbell overhead press


dumbell row, inverted row, pull up, chin up, assisted pull or chin ups, weighted pull ups or chin ups, chest supported row machine, cable row, standing cable row, rope climb


split squat, goblet squat, glute bridge, hip thrust, reverse lunge, front squat


plank, side plank, back bridge, suitcase carry/hold, ab wheel or dolly, and any variations


Treadmill, elliptical, stairs, jump rope, burpees, running, biking, swimming, bodyweight exercises performed as a circuit.

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