Wednesday, January 14, 2009

3 Stupid Things in Men's Health

As we speak I am sitting in the library up the street from the gym returning some emails and doing other busy work. I decided to pick up the latest Men’s Health. Generally speaking I really enjoy reading MH for most of their content. I really like the articles that feature recipes, how to make the perfect cocktail, what to wear on a first date, and most of their other articles that relate to me not being a bumbling fool when it comes to women. However, some of the advice articles and even some of the workout programs are really stupid. So I am going to take this opportunity to address some of the random things I see in Men’s Health that you should avoid. Am I saying you should get all of your training and nutrition advice just from TSull’s World? You bet your ass. (kidding there are other good sources out there).

1. Here is an actual question from a reader. “Every time I do shrugs, it kills my neck. Help!”

Now I won’t call out the trainer who answered the question because he is far more accomplished than I am. But his advice boils down to using lighter weights. Here is how I would answer that. “Stop doing shrugs. Why are you doing shrugs anyway? People bitch about not having time to get the gym and when they finally do, they pick shrugs? Build your program around big boy moves like squats, deadlifts, pull-ups, bench press, rows, and sprints (you too girls). This question might as well be: “Every time I slam the car door on my hand it kills.”

2. Here’s another. “Why do I pace when on the phone?”

This question was fielded by a guy with about 15 acronyms following his name, so he must be smart. He actually does a great job describing the lack of visual stimulation leading to an expression through physical action. If it ended there, I would be perfectly OK with that. He finishes his answer with, “Don’t fight it. Studies show that fidgeting and pacing can lead to greater caloric burn than exercise.” I guess the next time I go to the gym, instead of picking box jumps, medicine ball slams, and pull-ups, I am going to warm up and fidget for 30 minutes. This may be the secret in getting super lean.

3. In the weight loss bulletin it reads, “People are likely to eat 85% more bread when it is offered by the server. Blame social pressure. It is harder to decline an offer when it comes directly from another person.”

So you go ahead and polish off another 4 rolls at dinner, but don’t worry, just blame your fat ass on the poor waitress. Blame yourself tubby, no one was holding you down force feeding you. When you go out to eat, decline the rolls in the first place and get a shrimp cocktail.

I really do like Men’s Health but I just want you to be a little more aware of what you are reading in health magazines. Next time I will tackle a Women’s magazine, these are usually way more stupid. And remember these people are in the business of selling magazines, not the health business.


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