Friday, January 9, 2009

Happy Friday. Quick Breakfast Recipes.

Happy Friday to everyone.

Quick Breakfast Recipes
I want to give everyone a couple of good recipes for breakfast for a couple of reasons.

1. Breakfast is absolutely crucial in building a respectable physique. It primes your metabolism for the day and will fuel your workout later that day as well.

2. I am sick of listening to people bitch that they don't have time to cook breakfast before work.

TSull's Sensational Smoothie (no giggling)
1 cup frozen mixed berries
8 oz cold water
1 scoop vanilla protein powder
1 tbsp peanut butter
1/2 cup almonds

Throw it in a blender and smash it up until it is the consistency you desire (really tough to F this one up). I can literally get this one done in 2 minutes. All kinds of great stuff going on in there and it tastes delicious.

Oatmeal Concoction
1 cup rolled oats (not the instant crap)
1 cup water
1 scoop vanilla protein
1 cup frozen berries

Throw the oats in a bowl and cover with water. Toss it in the microwave for 2 minutes or until it looks like its all cooked through. Mix it up, then toss the protein in. Mix that until the protein disappears, then add the berries and stir those in. The berries will defrost and cool the oatmeal so it doesn't burn the roof of your mouth like a slice of Domino's pie at 3am sophomore year of college.

Have a great weekend everybody,


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