Tuesday, September 1, 2015

'A' Days. How many can I sneak into a week?

I wanted to write about my routine. I want to try writing about it as if I were observing it outside my body. I think I have about 3 versions of my work routine. I'd grade them A, B and C.

My goal is to have as many A days as possible each week.


  • Up at 4:50. pack lunch and snacks
  • Bring work clothes, dress in gym clothes
  • grab shitty dunks. listen to something of value or motivating material
  • 545 arrival at Lifted Boston (current gym)
  • workout 6-645.
  • catch breath
  • Drive to parking area. walk to office
  • shower at office
  • in the seat, fan on by 730. 2nd Iced Coffee in hand.
  • Some type of breakfast. bar, shake, or some eggs
  • mental and tactical prep for prospecting dials.
  • 20-30 dials. goal is to generate 1 solid lead.
  • do follow up
  • check email
  • plan for scheduled calls
  • sometime another snack around 930 or 10
  • 1 scheduled call
  • lunch
  • read blogs, check facebook and other social
  • 1 scheduled call
  • meet bro at starbucks
  • plan for next day
  • try to leave office just before 5
  • enjoy a nice dinner at home w wife
  • 1-3 glasses of red. 
  • get in the rack at 830 or 9. read for 30-60 minutes.
  • hopefully sleep like a dead body ready to go at 450 again. 

Right now I think I have 2 A's 2 B's and a C most weeks.

Monday, August 31, 2015

Closing a chapter

I just spent a few minutes here browsing some of my old writing. What a crazy journey its been. If you told me that I'd be back in the seat cold calling and selling software again, I would have tried to start a fist fight with you. But here I am...

I always wanted to open a gym. I think I was born to coach. So I opened a gym. Over 5-6 years, I ran a gym that barely broke even (lost money). I think we put out a decent product, but I think I made some serious mistakes. Mistakes that I could have prevented by studying harder at Babson or by seeking a mentor who had done what I was looking to do. On that note, I don't even think I knew what I was setting out to do. Back then I didn't want to own multiple gyms. I guess I didn't want to make money. Well I succeeded at not making any money.


1. Terrible location, great space
2. Bad neighbors, poor expectations set
3. Opening on day 1, zero dollars in the bank. (WTF)
4. Terrible understanding for the numbers. Break even, lack of operating budget, target revenues.
5. Spent zero time SELLING. This could have overcome bad location.
6. Trying to be everything to everyone.
7. Using groupon and living social as easy ways out.
8. Putting myself in position to fail.
9. No clear mission or plan.
10. No end game in mind.

Could go on and on!

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Starting Over

I was motivated to start writing again by two blogs that I read everyday.
1. avc.com
2. http://themusingsofthebigredcar.com/

Absolute gold mines for business people. Check them out.

So, Starting over....

As you can see from the archives of this blog (over 100 posts), I was at one point working on the craft of writing pretty regularly. You'll also see that a lot has happened since my last post.

I plan to check in here 3 times per week. I am writing for myself, but I think my journey could be helpful to others.