Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Independence Day July 4, 2009

I hope everyone had a great memorial day weekend. Now that the unofficial start to summer has come and gone, it is time to take a step back and analyze some of the goals you had set for Memorial Day/Figawi Weekend. How did you do? Did you carve the physique you were after or did you sport the same love handles and sweet breads that you have been lugging around for what seems like decades? In analyzing how your goals were met or missed, you can take two directions.

1. You can continue to tweak your diet and training to reach new heights with your physique.

2. You can be a coward and make all kinds of excuses about cookouts, birthday parties, crazy work schedules, or whichever other horseshit you feel like trotting out to explain your dumpy body. When it comes down to it, no one really cares, you are still fat.

So regardless if you hit your goals, or missed your goals, I urge you to take another date (Independence Day, July 4th) to set some new goals and make some new plans to achieve them.

Sign up for Mike's BootCamp, come to Saturday Sweats, have me put together a program for you, do whatever it takes, but don't continue to be a fat slug on America's Birthday. You have a little more than 5 weeks. I will continue to help you with tips, workouts, etc.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Figawi Weekend, Saturday Sweat.

Memorial Day weekend has descended upon us. It is time to see if you have spent the last 3 months exercising and dialing in the nutrition or if you have been following the same shitty diet and training plan. While I am stuck in Weymouth, Ma, and most of you guys are out on Nantucket, I hope that when you start to peel those layers off people take notice of your hard work.

Saturday Sweat is on for tomorrow for everyone on the main land. Two open sessions at 9am and 11am. Everyone is welcome to join us. If you are away for Memorial Day Weekend, the only Saturday Sweat I want you to get is on the dance floor at the chicken box at 11pm.

Have a great weekend,


Monday, May 18, 2009

STS Website Launch.

I am excited to announce the launch of the official Sullivan Training Systems Website. If anyone following the blog needs some website work done, I have some great people who built the new site, so let me know. Also, I would love to hear your feedback on the new site whether it be good, bad, or indifferent. Here it is:

Friday, May 15, 2009

Saturday Sweat Tomorrow and Training Intensity

Just a reminder that tomorrow marks the third Saturday Sweat. We are picking up some good momentum with a lot of new faces. Hopefully you can join us at either 9am or 11am on Saturday morning.

Training Intensity

Lately I have been putting a lot of thought into training intensity. Let's start by defining intensity. In broad, general terms, I would define training intensity as the level of perceived difficulty as it relates to an exercise, a workout, or even a series of workouts. Let's face it, if you drag yourself to the gym after work a few times per week, you are better than 90% of America's population. But are you really training hard enough to alter your body?

You can get intensity from heavier weights, longer sets, faster movements, longer workouts, and more challenging exercises and movements. However you decide, try to get some more intensity into your training. We will be getting intense Saturday Morning. Will you?

Monday, May 11, 2009

This Week at STS....May 11, 2009

Happy Monday everyone. Here is what's happening at STS Weymouth this week.

Regular training sessions and Spring Athletes

Regular training, Spring Athletes
Mike Aylward's FREE Group Session at 7:00PM
==> This is a continuation of May's free sessions from Mike. These have been a huge success and we invite everyone to come check it out!

Regular training

Regular training

Regular Training
Mike Aylward's FREE Group Session at 7:00PM
==> This is a continuation of May's free sessions from Mike. These have been a huge success and we invite everyone to come check it out!

Regular Training and Athletes

Saturday Sweat Session at 9 and 11am. 15 clams per person.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Saturday Sweat Update....Mike's Session Footage

Tomorrow marks the second "Saturday Sweat" that we have held at STS in Weymouth. Tomorrow's sweat will feature two sessions. Early session for mature folks who go to bed early, later session for the rest of us who like to spend Friday Nights carrying on. If you weren't with us last week, I invite you to come down, get a quick workout and kick your weekend off on the right foot. Details below.

When: Tomorrow, Saturday May 9, 2009. First session is 9:00am-10:00am. Second Session will be 11:00am-12:00pm.

Where: 65 Mathewson Drive Unit B, Weymouth, Ma 02189

What: Group training session that will feature different stations suitable for men and women of all ages and fitness levels.

Cost: $15 per person.

I hope you can make it to one of the sessions. Gimme a shout if you plan on coming down.

Below you will see some footage of Mike Aylward's Group Workouts. For the month of May, every Tuesday and Thursday at 7:00pm, Mike is holding FREE one hour group sessions to get a taste of what his Summer Program will look like.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

FREE Session at STS Weymouth tonight at 7pm!


Tonight is another FREE training session at 7:00pm in Weymouth. Mike Aylward will be taking you through a workout that he developed. With that being said, I would like to address an issue that keeps coming up as I speak to people about Mike's sessions.

I have done a miserable job at communicating the value of having Mike available to run these sessions and what is actually being offered. A lot of people are nervous that these sessions will be too difficult and are intimidated to show up. Mike and I have taken the time to make different "levels" out of each workout. So for example, say there are pull ups as part of a workout. I train people everyday that can't do pull ups, but can do a handful of band assisted pulls or jumping pull ups. There is a substitute for everything, and we can easily take the most difficult workouts and make them applicable to everyone.

Bottom Line: Don't be nervous, there will be people of all ages, shapes, and sizes taking part in Mike's workouts. We look forward to seeing you tonight.

Gym Location:

Sullivan Training Systems
65 Mathewson Drive Unit B
Weymouth, Ma 02189

My Cell: 781 831 3901

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Cardio and Ab Training

I have been getting a lot of questions lately from various clients and online clients about cardio and ab training. Before I get into these topics, I think it is important to get down to the root cause of these questions. Why do most people inquire about cardio and abs? I would be willing to bet you a month's salary it isn't because they are interested in strengthening their cardiovascular systems or even strengthening their abs and torso for improved performance or lower back health. I would guess that 100% of these questions relate to a person being dissatisfied with the way they look around the midsection. With this assumption in mind, I have to go back and harp on the number one problem associated with the way someone's midsection looks, their diet.

When asked what the best exercise for ab development, world famous strength coach Mike Boyle usually replies with "table pushaways". Having good abs is 100 percent about getting your diet dialed in. If you are not willing to get things figured out in the kitchen, you will never have respectable abs. Someone once said, "you can't out-train a shitty diet," and I have to agree with that.

On the rare occasion that you are completely dialed in on diet and have been so for 4-6 weeks (don't lie), here are some "cardio" considerations.


If you are training strictly for looks and not performance I think you can do cardio in addition to your weight training up to 4 times per week. 2 times should be sprint/interval style work and 2 times can be lower intensity 25 minute sessions on the bike or on the pavement.


Get rid of situps, crunches, and anything that looks similar to these. Your ab training should be almost exclusively plank variations, anti-rotation drills, and anti-extension drills. I will put together a brief video for you later today detailing some of the movements I use.

Have a great day,


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

FREE Open Gym with LCpl Mike Aylward Tonight 7pm

To everyone following the blog, I wanted to let you know that STS's newest instructor, Mike Aylward, is holding an open gym tonight at the facility (65 Mathewson Drive, Weymouth, Ma, Unit B). Tonight's session will be one hour of free group training that will be a taste of the program he has developed for the summer. Should be a lot of fun so come on by. All are welcome.


When: 7pm tonight (May 5)

Where: STS, 65 Mathewson Drive, Unit B, Weymouth, Ma 02189

Bring training appropriate clothing, some H2O and a positive attitude.

Monday, May 4, 2009

First Saturday Sweat Fest Footage

This past Saturday was the first "Saturday Morning Sweat Fest" at STS Weymouth. We got off to a little bit of a late start but overall it was a huge success. We had guys really pushing themselves to the brink of exhaustion and I think at the end of the day everyone had a great time and felt much better about themselves. I think this could be a huge new offering for the gym as I have spoken to a lot of guys and girls who are interested in getting involved. If you are reading the blog, I strongly encourage you to join us on a Saturday morning. Here is what went down.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Open Gym Tomorrow Morning! All Are Welcome.

I know its short notice but the feedback has been strong to quite strong about the Saturday Morning Sweat Fest at STS Weymouth. We have a group of people already signed up for the morning session but I wanted to open the invitation to any man, woman, child, or gremlin that wants to come by and get a workout in tomorrow. Here are the details:

Who: Everyone is welcome. Men and Women.

What: Group Workout. Very Laid back atmosphere. $15 per person

Where: 65 Mathewson Drive Unit B, Weymouth, Ma 02189

When: 11:00am Saturday May 2, 2009 (tomorrow)

Why: Because you are a little soft around the midsection and looking to get the weekend off on the right foot.

If you wouldn't mind shooting me an email at if you plan on coming, I would appreciate it. If not, just show up at 10:55 ready to get after it. I look forward to seeing you all in the morning.

Happy Friday,
