Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Mentally Tough Teenagers?

Lately I have been hearing from a lot of fellow coaches about the same issue. Their athletes are not mentally tough, they shut down when faced with the slightest bit of adversity, and they are not nearly as gritty as the athletes they have coached over the past 10 years. I have to agree completely. As I get more experience in dealing with young athletes it is clear to me that a good portion of these kids are weak. In every aspect possible. Now that we agree on this point, how do we move forward?

I often catch myself falling into the trap of "when I was in high school" or "when I was a kid" and stopping before I start a 5 minute rant. For me, berating people with how tough you were as a kid doesn't help anyone accept pump your own ego.

Instead of bitching and moaning about how weak kids these days are, do something about it. Personally I plan on taking the kids on my high school team and the athletes who enter my facility and placing them in difficult situations, often. Pushing them through discomfort and forcing them to compete against each other, and teaching them about digging deep. On a regular basis I implement rules and strategies at the gym that do not allow kids to say things like "I can't". I do not accept excuses from young athletes and practice the policy of brutal honesty with them. To me it is a change from the "everyone gets a trophy" mentality that they deal with at school and local sports.

In short, let's stop the "when I was a kid" rants and actually try to help these kids get tougher. Some kids will shut down and some kids will respond. Focus on the ones who respond.


Rearick Strength Systems said...

Awesome post... This is exactly what coach Brijesh Patel spoke about this past weekend at the MBSC Seminar. Mindset is what separate the champions from non-champions

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Negative comments cost a buck for my athletes. That halts it quick!

-Bobbi Miller

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