Friday, September 25, 2009

Friday September 24th. Free Form Friday #1

(Pic has nothing to do with post, just funny.)

If any of you out in the blogosphere listen to Dennis and Callahan on WEEI in the morning, you will recognize that I completely stole the Free Form Friday thing from them. Basically it means that any topic is fair game. So here goes (language may get ugly here as this is off the cuff, so don't read if you get offended easily)

1. I don't want to hear another former collegiate athlete ask for workout advice only to follow this up with, "I don't need to be doing squats or fast lifts anymore, I just want to tighten up a little and get back down to playing weight." Listen stupid, did you ever think the reason why you were a piece of twisted steel in college may have been due to the intensity with which you trained?

2. In the same vein, I can help you with diet advice, but when it boils down to it, you know what you should and shouldn't eat. Can you have abs if you eat takeout 3-4 times per week. No, you can't.

3. If it were easy, everybody would be doing it. This relates to life, training, and diet/physique goals. "Jeez, Sull, the program you put together for me sure looks tough." Oh, I'm sorry, I was under the impression you wanted to get stronger, leaner, faster, and lose your sweetbreads. If you want cookie cutter, shitty, easy to do programs, go to the latest Men's Health and perform this month's "Pump up your guns workout".

4. If you are performing "arm workouts" or "arm day" and aren't a competitive bodybuilder, jerk the wheel into the next sand filled yellow barrel that you see on highway off ramps. You need to burn calories. No one likes a fat guy with big arms because people who don't workout will just see you as a fat guy.

5. Girls, the jogging and lettuce diet needs to end. You will have way more fun lifting weights and doing circuits/eating real food than pounding your joints into oblivion. Add a daily 5 miles and high heels to your regimen and talk to me when you are forty, you will be wrecked.

6. Everyday, eat 3 or 4 eggs for breakfast plus a little thing of yogurt and watch your energy levels improve and your waist tighten up. Your current regime of Iced Coffee for breakfast, salad for lunch, and 9 pizzas for dinner isn't working. Try to eat most of your calories by 5pm.

7. They are doing fire alarm tests at my gym today, even though the nice man told me they would be going off in 10 minutes (exactly 10 minutes ago) I am now looking for Ray Finkle and a clean pair of shorts.

Have a great weekend.

1 comment:

Tom Sullivan said...

Click on the picture to see full view, it got cut off. I stink.