Monday, April 6, 2009

Where the Figawi? Part 2

We have roughly 7 weeks until shove off time for Figawi. How is everyone doing with their goals? Hopefully you have been getting to the gym 4-5 times a weeks, eating to support your goals, and getting plenty of rest to fuel your workouts after busy days at the office. Here are 10 random tips to help push you towards your goal of looking great on the beach of Fog Island.

1. No more skipping workouts. No more excuses, no more lying to yourself. If you want to look good or even great in your swim trunks, you have to man or wo-man up and get your ass in the gym.

2. It is time to ratchet up the intensity. Workouts need to get harder, diets need to get more strict during the week while maintaining some freedom over the weekend.

3. Three workouts per week need to be fast, circuit style workouts. Need some help with workouts? Check out this previous posts that I wrote.

4. It is time to strip all of the sugar and starch out of your diets during the week. Get rid of bread, pasta, rice, and potato. During the weekend you can add it back in. The fastest, most effective fat loss diets are low in carbs.

5. Lift heavier weights. Start increasing weight lifted during your workouts. Same for the girls. I promise you won't get big, you will just tighten up.

6. Conditioning and cardio sessions need to be harder. If you like to run or bike, get rid of the steady state, moderate paced "cardio". Start doing sprint and recover workouts. Some good breakdowns are sprint for 30 seconds, recover for 1 minute, repeat x 10-12 reps. If you are a real self-masochist try doing Tabatas during your next run. Sprint for 20 seconds rest for 10 seconds repeating this 8 times for a total of 4 minutes. Your legs may fall off. If they haven't, rest for a couple of minutes, then repeat the protocol.

7. Start guzzling more water to help keep appetite at bay and to keep your body functioning properly.

8. Get a training partner(s) with similar goals to yours.

9. NEPA. Non-exercise Physical Activity. Move around more. Walk to work, walk to the bar, walk up stairs. Any type of movement is good for fat loss. How many fat mailmen do you know?

10. If you need a concrete, aggressive plan to hit your goals I will build a "Figawi Plan" for you for $99

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