Friday, January 8, 2010

100th Post on TSull's World

I know I haven't written in a while and its only because I had nothing valuable to say. But when I logged in this morning and saw that I had 99 posts, I figured 100 posts was as good an occasion as any to write. So let's keep this random.

1. Gym, Tan, Laundry. If you watch the Jersey Shore, you know what I am talking about. The more I watch, the more I think that these guys have figured it out and we are all wrong.

2. My training plan for January is very basic. My favorite author, Dan John, has become famous for a program titled "One Lift a Day". I have decided to dedicate myself to completing this in January. It is not complicated, just difficult. Or as he says, "Simple, not easy." I have gotten rid of everything except for the big basic lifts. Here is the plan. I foam roll and then start lifting.

Monday = Bench Press
Tuesday = Pull Ups
Wednesday = Squat (and I have used the back squat, which I don't have a lot of experience with)
Thursday = Off
Friday = Military Press
Saturday = Deadlift
Sunday = Off

So far I am loving the simplicity, but hating the brutality.

3. How's your New Years Resolution going? If you slipped up already, who cares. Get back at it. 15 weight workouts and 15 conditioning workouts per month.

4. Here is what I have been doing in my free time:

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