Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Peak Inside STS Weymouth

When I went to the gym today, I planned to work up to a heavy weight and get after some bench press singles. I personally believe winter is a good time for me to build up my top end strength. However, as I was warming up on the bench, I noticed I had some pain in my left hand. I was determined to get a workout in, but a lot of exercises hurt. As I was taking a look at the workout plan for some of my fitness clients, I figured that I could get through most of it with minimal pain. What I did was this:

Foam Roll
Dynamic Warmup
Mini Circuit that consisted of:

plank variation for reps
glute bridge for 30 seconds
ankle mobility drill
and overhead squats

Workout was as follows:

Front Squat or goblet squat (went with 185 lbs on the front squat) paired with a series of short sprints, suicide style for 5 sets with 1 minute rests between sets. This by itself was a pretty decent workout and had me laying on the turf with my chest heaving. I rested for a couple minutes then attacked two more pairs of exercises. Number 2 was pushups vs. bands paired with renegade row, both for 10 reps x 5 sets with 1 minute rests. Number 3 was recline rope rows for 10 reps paired with 15 sandbag swings for 5 sets with 1 minute rests. All said and done I was smoked. Bottom line, you should be able to figure out how to train around an injury or a small setback, if you don't ask!



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