Tuesday, January 19, 2010

New Years Ressy Update

Right now is a great time to do a status check on your New Year's Resolutions. How are they going? If you are not where you would like to be, simply reset your goals and start over. This is one of the biggest reasons why I dislike formal resolutions and prefer traditional goal setting exercises. If you took my advice and set a goal for 15 weight workouts and 15 cardio/conditioning workouts for January, you still have 12 days left to achieve your goal. So, stop feeling bad for yourself for falling off the wagon, and get back after it. If you need a little push, here is one for today. After work and voting (in Mass), try this:

Pair these two lifts together:

Goblet Squat 5 sets of 5
Chin Ups 5 sets of 5

Perform with minimal rest between sets. Then finish with:

Treadmill tabata sprints. Warm up on the treadmill by gradually increasing speed for 4 minutes until you are at 75 percent of max effort. Let the treadmill belt run at this speed. CAREFULLY, get on while holding the handrails until you catch up to the belt and sprint for 20 seconds. Take 10 seconds rest and repeat :20 work, :10 rest for a total of 8 reps. Shower and go home. You have just done one weight workout and one cardio workout. Chalk today up as a 'W'.

Go get it done,


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